What types of events or things I can help support?
We have a list of positions and their duties available for those interested in joining our Executive Board/Board of Directors which require a larger time commitment.
There are also other opportunities to volunteer or donate your time for small events and roles so please explore those events and opportunities below!
Events and Opportunities to Volunteer
Here are a few examples of events and the type of things you could assist with! In general there are multiple events throughout the school year where we need support with setting up, clean-up, helping spread the word, build outreach and community,
Back to School Bash
Event for the school community that involves working with community partners, food vendors, and increasing community, and driving our membership.
Fall Book Fair
We need assistance with setup, managing volunteers to work the cash registers, design a theme and assist students in purchasing books!
Pizza and Bingo Night
Can you call a good bingo game? Help with general setup or clean-up?
There are many other events and this list will be updated. Here are a list of potential opportunities!
Art Enrichment Parent Coordinator
Event Chairs (e.g., Back to School Picnic, Movie Night, Pizza Bingo, Fitness Night, Variety Show, Pastries with Parents, Chili Cookoff, International Night, Spring Dance, STEM Night)
Kindergarten Playdate Coordinator
MCCPTA Committee Liaisons:
Health & Wellness
Safe Technology Subcommittee
School Climate & Safety
NAACP Representative
New Parent Welcome Committee
Nominating Committee
Room Parent Coordinator
School Directory Coordinator
School Toolbox Coordinator
Service Project Coordinator
Spelling/Geography Bee Coordinator
Spirit Wear Coordinator
Spirit Week Coordinator
SSL Volunteer Coordinator
Yearbook Committee
Executive Board
Leads the PTA towards specific goals chosen by the members; helps sets the vision for the PTA; appoints committee and event chairs; works closely with the Principal; creates agendas for and presides at Executive Board and General meetings; works with the treasurer and executive board on developing and implementing budget; attends monthly Council meeting, serves as ex-officio member of all committees; trouble-shoots in all areas of PTA/school involvement.
VP, Communication & Outreach [OPEN]
Second in command. Builds communication within the school and community; Partners with the President to work with School Principal, staff and PTA to better reach the whole community via website, regular email updates, calendar; liaison to community newspapers; Oversees Membership Chair & Staff Appreciation Chair (or fulfills duties in absence of recruits to these positions); Interacts closely with Webmaster. Time commitment: Attendance at monthly membership and/or exec board meetings, optional meetings with Principal and other committee chairs; plus ~1-2 hours per week, largest time commitment from Aug-Oct for BTS events and membership drive.
VP, Social
Coordinates school social activities. Recruits and oversees Event Chairs; oversees events and activities by working with chairman and/or event overseer; partners with President to ensure tracking of volunteer needs. Time commitment: Attendance at monthly membership and/or exec board meetings, optional meetings with Principal and other committee chairs; plus ~1-2 hours per week (variable depending on upcoming events). Recommendation: The Social VP is not responsible for planning & running events, but rather for recruiting and overseeing planning by an event chair. That said, with events typically held monthly, it’s encouraged that a 2-person Social VP team take on this role, so as to alternate events.
VP, Ways & Means
Coordinates all major school fundraisers; researches fundraiser ideas; works with fundraising companies; helps committees in forming goals and proposed calendar for the year; reports to the general membership after each event. Time commitment: Attendance at monthly membership and/or exec board meetings; additional time varies depending on fundraising activities.
Recording Secretary
Distributes agenda prior to and at meetings; takes meeting minutes and distributes for board and membership approval; holds PTA bylaws. Time commitment: Attendance at monthly membership and/or exec board meetings; plus ~1 hour per month. Requirements: Familiarity with Google Docs and willingness to take notes.
Keeps financial books in order, receives all payment vouchers and writes all checks for payment of bills; receives all cash and other income and makes bank deposits; chairs the budget committee; remits PTA membership dues and other fees to the PTA council; makes a monthly financial report; keeps the membership informed of all items relating to the PTA finances; works closely with the President and other event chairs; prepares books for semi-annual audit. Time commitment: Attendance at monthly membership and/or exec board meetings; plus ~5 hours per month. Requirements: Understanding of bookkeeping and a familiarity with QuickBooks preferred but not required. Recommendation: While only one treasurer is elected and named to the MDPTA, it’s encouraged that a 2-3 person treasury team split duties.
Board of Directors
Quince Orchard Cluster Representative
A cluster is made up of its designated high school and their middle and elementary feeder schools. Each Cluster is represented by up to 3 Cluster Coordinators, who support their Cluster school, represent them in advocacy and report back to the local PTA. Time commitment: Attendance at monthly membership and/or BOD meetings; participation in cluster meetings or email discussions; ~1-2 hours per month
MCCPTA Delegate
The Delegates Assembly is the body that bridges the council and local PTAs. Each local PTA is represented by up to two (2) delegates at monthly meetings. Delegates may introduce motions and vote on MCCPTA actions. Time commitment: Attendance at monthly membership and/or BOD meetings and monthly MCCPTA Council meetings; monitoring of MCCPTA delegate email threads, as applicable; ~1-2 hours per month
Membership Chair
Create a membership drive theme; coordinate membership drive in the fall; set up booths at Back to School events; maintain records of members; communicate membership numbers with treasurer for payment of dues. In the absence of a chair, duties will be filled by VP Communication & Outreach. Time commitment: Attendance at monthly membership and/or exec board meetings; high level of activity from August-October for planning & attendance at back to school events; some data entry (can be delegated to SSL), minimal activity from November - June. Requirements: Creativity; sales skills are a bonus but certainly not required.
Staff Appreciation Chair
Coordinates staff appreciation events including, but not limited to, luncheons, treat fairy visits, and Teacher Appreciation Week; coordinates collections for gift cards for office and building services staff. Time commitment: Attendance at monthly membership and/or exec board meetings; ~1-3 hours per month. Requirements: This position, more than any other, requires availability during the school day.
Maintains the PTA web domain, website, calendar(s) and, in the absence of a social media chair, social media accounts; keeper of all passwords; makes decisions on platform changes or upgrades; promotes activities, interests and information to keep the community involved. Time commitment: high level of activity from August-October updating website with details for the new school year, 1-2 hours per month for routine updates. Requirements: comfortable with drag & drop website builders; familiarity with HTML is a plus; willingness to work closely with all board members to ensure that all information is up to date.